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Association of 

School  Psychologists

Advocating for Hawaiʻi's Keiki and their ʻOhana.


Membership Calendar Year: July 1st through June 30th

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Free NASP-Approved CPDs at Conference(s): Deluxe Conference Registration Packets and Meals or Snacks

Members-only Social Events; Leadership Opportunities; Legislative Representation

Members-only Resources & Communications

Regular Membership (1 Year): $60.00 I Regular Membership (2 Year): $100.00

One who has completed an approved school psychologist training program and is trained and currently functioning

as a school psychologist, or employed as a trainer of school psychologists at a college or university, or certified

by the National School Psychology Certification System (NSPCS) or holds a credential in another state.

Associate Membership (1 Year): $60.00 I Associate Membership (2 Year): $110.00

An associate is one who does not meet the eligibility requirements of any of the membership categories, 

but has a strong affiliation to school psychology, supports the work of the profession, and wishes to express 

that affiliation and support through membership in HASP.

Student Membership (1 Year): $20.00 I Student Membership (2 Year): $35.00

Student members must be matriculated in a college or university training program and have approval of

supervisor or advisor, or any former member of a school psychology training program and have approval

of supervisor or advisor.

Retired Membership (1 Year): $30.00 I Retired Membership (2 Year): $50.00

Any former member of school psychology professional association who has 

retired from full-time employment as a school psychologist.

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©2019 HASP: Hawai'i Association of School Psychologists is a non-profit organization.


Advocating for Hawai'i's Keiki and their Ohana.

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